When you lose one or more teeth, this could lead to the gradual deterioration of your jawbone, causing an older appearance and further tooth loss. To reverse this and replace your missing teeth, you could benefit from dental implants. In today’s blog, your Brighton, MA, dentists talk about addressing tooth loss with implant dentistry!
Root Canals Offer Gentle Treatment For Infections
When a tooth has a cavity, we could offer relief with a filling. But when a tooth is infected, a more substantial restorative treatment could be necessary. For a safe and gentle solution to an infected tooth, one that prevents tooth loss, your Brighton, MA, dentists could recommend root canal therapy!
Understand The Types Of Dental Bridges
If you are missing a tooth, it is highly advisable to replace it as soon as possible. When you are down a tooth, your chewing is hindered which can cause you to lose out on nutrients while eating. Because of this reason and others, it is essential to fill the gap in your smile. A dental bridge is a great way to replace either a single tooth or a few that are adjacent to one another. In today’s blog, your Brighton, MA, dentists talk about the benefits of a dental bridge and the different types we can craft for your smile. (more…)
Treating Your Gum Disease
According to the Centers for Disease Control, half of adults over the age of 30 suffer from periodontal disease. Without treatment, gum disease could lead to sore and bleeding gums, and even a greater risk of tooth loss. In today’s blog, your Brighton, MA, dentists will discuss how we help treat this issue.
How A Cleaning Helps Prevent Disease
If you don’t seek a professional cleaning from your dentist, this could lead to an increased risk of tooth decay and gum disease. In today’s blog, your Brighton, MA, dentists talk about how a simple procedure could help prevent disease, and also bad breath and teeth stains. Find out why we recommend one every six months!
What To Expect From Your Dental Exam
Along with brushing and flossing your teeth each day, you also need to visit the dentist every six months for a checkup and cleaning. These visits will help protect your smile from issues like tooth decay and gum disease. In today’s blog, your Brighton, MA, dentists talk about what to expect from these visits.
Do You Floss Properly?
In our last blog, we took a close look at brushing your teeth and how to do so properly. In today’s blog, we want to continue that process with a focus on proper flossing. As your Brighton, MA, dentists will explain, this is crucial for keeping your smile healthy and strong! In fact, this could help keep gum disease at bay.
How To Brush Your Teeth
To fight plaque buildup and protect your smile from poor oral health, you need to brush your teeth each day. But even those who do take time to do this, may not be doing so correctly. In today’s blog, your Brighton, MA, dentists want to offer some tips for optimal brushing and flossing.
Better Oral Health With Advanced Tech
We offer a comprehensive array of treatment options to help smiles of all ages in our community. Along with a number of treatment options, we also offer advanced technology, which helps us make a diagnosis with accuracy, and also plan your treatment with greater precision. In today’s blog, your Brighton, MA, dentists talk about the advanced technology we use.
Ready To Try Invisalign?
Have you ever had questions about Invisalign? If you would like to obtain even teeth with a series of clear and cozy aligners, then you may benefit from Invisalign! In today’s blog, your Brighton, MA, dentists talk about this system, and what you need to know about correcting your smile.