brighton InvisalignHave you ever had questions about Invisalign? If you would like to obtain even teeth with a series of clear and cozy aligners, then you may benefit from Invisalign! In today’s blog, your Brighton, MA, dentists talk about this system, and what you need to know about correcting your smile. 

Qualifying for Clear Aligners

First, who makes a good candidate for this treatment? We will take a close look at your smile to assess the cause and extent of your dental misalignment. From there, we will be able to tell you if Invisalign is right for your smile. If so, then our team will next take a series of detailed images with digital x-rays and intraoral cameras. Doing so means we can create a 3D computer impression of your smile, so we can design your new orthodontics with greater precision and accuracy. 

The Treatment Process

The treatment process is a simple one, and one that requires fewer office visits and a shorter treatment time! You will wear a set of your aligners for about 20 to 23 hours a day, and continue to do so for two weeks. At this time, you will upgrade to the next set in the series. This process will repeat for about a year to 18 months, depending on your age and the severity of your misalignment. During periodic visits, we will monitor your progress to make sure you’re still within your originally stated time frame. These orthodontics will be clear and fit comfortably, as each one is custom-made for your smile. 

Removing Your Orthodontics

Your aligners will also be removable! Which means you don’t have to change your diet or avoid certain foods. You would need to do this with braces, as bits of food could damage orthodontics or become trapped in them, increasing the risk of tooth decay and gum disease. You can also take them out before you brush and floss each day, which makes care easier as you don’t have to work around your braces. This limits the risks of cavities and periodontal troubles too! As long as you wear them for the amount of time the dentist recommends, you could also take them out for special occasions, such as graduations or first dates. If you have any questions about the Invisalign system, or if you would like to learn more about our cosmetic orthodontics system, then give us a call.

Do You Have Questions About Cosmetic Orthodontics?

We want to help you enjoy an even and beautiful smile once again! To learn more about our cosmetic braces, then schedule a consultation by calling Brighton Family Dental Group in Brighton, MA, today at (617) 562-5210. We proudly welcome patients from Brookline, Newton, and all surrounding communities.