With a dental bridge, we have a tooth replacement option that is nonsurgical and can address minor cases, such as one to three missing teeth in a row. We offer multiple options, and each will be custom-made for your smile. In today’s blog, your Brighton, MA, dentist talks about how we design and place bridges… Read more »
Category: Restorative Dentistry
Root Canal Therapy Can Stop Painful Infections
When a tooth develops a cavity, our team will provide relief and with a lifelike composite resin filling. But what if a tooth becomes infected? To stop discomfort and preserve the tooth, we could conduct an endodontic treatment. In today’s blog, your Brighton, MA, dentist talks about saving smiles with a safe and gentle root… Read more »
Cavity Treatment That Looks Natural
When you have a cavity, you need treatment to avoid serious discomfort or even the risk of a dental infection. Our team can offer a filling to treat a cavity in only one visit. In fact, we can do so with a material that looks natural too. In today’s blog, your Brighton, MA, dentist talks… Read more »
How Our Crowns Repair Damaged Teeth
When a tooth sustains damage and becomes cracked or chipped, this could lead to negative changes to your smile’s appearance and also increase the risk of tooth decay and dental infection. Our team can prevent these potential complications with the placement of a dental restoration. In today’s blog, your Brighton, MA, dentist talks about our… Read more »
How We Create Lifelike Dental Bridges
When you lose a tooth, or as many as three in a row, you need prosthetic to avoid the negative impacts of missing teeth. To address minor tooth loss, our team could create and secure a custom and lifelike dental bridge. In today’s blog, your Brighton, MA, dentist talks about how we design and place… Read more »
Don’t Let Infection Cause Tooth Loss
When a tooth develops severe tooth decay or dental infection, then major discomfort could arise and a patient may even risk the loss of a tooth. But our team can help treat an infected tooth with a root canal, a chronic treatment that could save the tooth. In today’s blog, your Brighton, MA, dentist talks… Read more »
When Your Smile Needs A Custom Crown
A dental crown covers a tooth and offers lifelike repair for serious issues, from tooth decay to dental injury and more. But when should you see us for a crown, and how do we create and place them? In today’s blog, your Brighton, MA, dentist talks about how we improve smiles with our custom dental… Read more »
Creating Bridges That Fit Seamlessly
When you have minor tooth loss, you need a prosthetic to fill the exposed gaps and protect your oral health and bite function. But we also take care to ensure your prosthetic offers a lifelike appearance too! In today’s blog, your Brighton, MA, dentists talk about creating bridges that fit seamlessly.
How A Root Canal Preserves Your Smile
When a tooth becomes infected, this could mean serious discomfort and without treatment, the loss of your tooth! To treat the infection and preserve the tooth, you need an endodontic treatment. Which is why your Brighton, MA, dentist offers root canal therapy to preserve and protect your smile!
Repairing Your Smile After Damage Or Loss
Our teeth are designed to last us through our entire lives, but sometimes they can become cracked or broken. When this happens, it is important that you speak with a dental professional about your options. If you allow your enamel to remain damaged, bacteria could start to make their way toward the soft tissue within… Read more »