brighton treating gum diseaseStudies from the Centers for Disease Control show just how widespread periodontal disease actually is, as half of adults over 30 suffer from it. Without treatment, this disorder means sore, bleeding gums and even tooth loss. In today’s blog, your Brighton, MA, dentists will look at the causes of the disease, and how we can treat the issue or prevent it.

Causes and Symptoms

The disease forms when the gums have become inflamed. Also known as gingivitis, this could cause the tissue to pull away from the teeth and form pockets at the gum line. When certain bacteria enter these pockets, periodontal disease develops. While gingivitis can be reversed, gum disease cannot be cured and must instead be managed properly to avoid worsening symptoms or even tooth loss in major cases. Warning signs could include soreness or redness in the gingival tissues, as well as bleeding, swelling, or recession. Causes could include inflammatory factors like certain illnesses, the use of specific medications, a family history of periodontal problems, tobacco use, improper brushing and flossing, and infrequent visits for dental cleanings.

Scaling and Root Planing

Plaque and tartar buildup will irritate and inflame the gum tissues. To address gingivitis or begin managing the early stages of the disease, we could recommend a deep cleaning. Also known as a scaling and root planing, this process involves using an ultrasonic scaling device to remove all plaque and tartar from both the teeth and the roots. The process could take a single visit, or several, depending on how severe the buildup actually is. We then polish the teeth and manage your health with routine cleaning every three to four months. We could also recommend the use of antibiotics as well.

Preventing the Disease

To help avoid the onset of inflammation or periodontal disease, we suggest daily care. Brushing twice a day and flossing every evening helps remove food particles to limit the severity of plaque and tartar. A cleaning visit every six months allows us to remove all plaque, and monitor your gum health. Try to avoid tobacco products, and cut back on foods and drinks rich in sugar and starch. These steps not only protect your periodontal health, but also help lower the risk of tooth decay, bad breath, dental infection, and even discoloration. If you have any questions, or if you would like to schedule a visit, then give us a call today!

Do You Have Questions About Treating Periodontal Disease?

We would like to help you better understand how to maintain good oral health. To learn more about protecting your overall gum health, then schedule a consultation by calling Brighton Family Dental Group in Brighton, MA, today at (617) 562-5210. We proudly welcome patients from Brookline, Newton, and all surrounding communities.