We recently talked about regular dental cleanings to protect your oral health. But what if you have high risk factors for periodontal disease? To help manage the early stages and prevent complications like tooth loss, you might enjoy periodontal cleanings. In today’s blog, your Brighton, MA, dentists talk about scaling and root planing.
Routine Cleanings Help Save Your Smile
When you have serious buildup on your smile, this could mean bad breath, teeth stains, and even an increased risk of tooth decay and gum disease. Which is why people of all ages in our community need a dental cleaning. In today’s blog, your Brighton, MA, dentists talk about removing this harmful buildup.
Schedule Your Last Exam Of 2022
A dental exam is a great way to ensure you’re obtaining a healthy and bright smile. In fact, this can help you start 2023 with your best possible smile! In today’s blog, your Brighton, MA, dentists talk about the importance of scheduling an exam before 2022 comes to an end.
Make Sure Your Thanksgiving Is Healthy For Your Smile!
In just a few days, the Thanksgiving holiday will be here and many of our patients will be celebrating with a huge feast. However, the feast will likely contain plenty of sugar and starch, which leaves smiles more vulnerable to tooth decay. In today’s blog, your Brighton, MA, dentists talk about how to safeguard your smile.
Make Time To Use Your Dental Benefits
When you have dental insurance coverage, or a health savings account, then you have benefits that will expire at the end of 2022 unless used. Now is a great time to put them to use and improve the health, function, and beauty of your smile. In today’s blog, your Brighton, MA, dentists talk about your options!
What Toothaches Mean For Your Oral Health
When you notice sensitivity in your teeth while eating or speaking, or a toothache that doesn’t pass with time, then you need to seek treatment. Otherwise, this pain could mean worsening tooth decay or even the onset of an infected tooth. In today’s blog, your Brighton, MA, dentists talk about toothaches.
Protecting Smiles From Halloween Cavities
Tooth decay is always a risk for kids and adults following Halloween. Too much sugar could leave your teeth with toothaches and an increased risk of infection! In today’s blog, your Brighton, MA, dentists talk about how to protect smiles from the onset of Halloween cavities, and still enjoy your trick or treating fun.
Better Treatment With Advanced Technology
When we treat smiles in our practice, we want to offer quality care and a comfortable treatment experience. As part of this process, we employ a number of advanced digital technologies. In today’s blog, your Brighton, MA, dentists talk about the technologies we use for the diagnostic portions and to create custom restorations and more!
Starting Your Invisalign® Treatment
Our team is ready to help you enjoy straighter smiles by correcting your misalignment. Instead of relying solely on braces to do so, our team can use a series of Invisalign® aligners. In today’s blog, your Brighton, MA, dentists talk about how you start the process, and what benefits Invisalign® will offer!
Porcelain Veneers Could Boost Your Smile
When you have more than one aesthetic issue with your teeth, you may assume several procedures could be necessary to makeover your smile. But with porcelain veneers, we can offer a total transformation in as little as two visits with one procedure. In today’s blog, your Brighton, MA, dentists talk about our custom cosmetic restoration.