When you think about choosing your dental floss, you might not get too passionate about the experience. After all, it’s material that you pass through your teeth once daily and then throw into the trashcan! However, we encourage you to take a step back and think a bit more broadly regarding how to best choose floss that will work wonders for your dental hygiene. Unlike many products, which come with a long list of straightforward, clinical requirements, floss leaves a lot of room for your preferences. Learn a bit more, so you make excellent selections for a truly healthy smile.
Your Questions About Gingivitis: Answered
As you learn about gum disease, you will find that a variety of terms which seem interchangeable (yet also seem slightly different) can cause confusion. To ensure you make excellent progress with your education, rather than feeling turned around, we offer simple clarification regarding gingivitis and other common terms. When you are able to clearly understand how periodontal problems unfold, you will feel more prepared to avoid them altogether, so your smile remains healthy.
3 Things You Did Wrong In 2016
Did you take exceptional care of your smile in 2016? Perhaps you did okay but you’re pretty sure you might have overlooked a thing or two when it came to the multiple factors that contribute to optimal oral health. If you’re not actually certain about how well you did, we encourage you to consider a few things you might have done wrong (based on the common tales we hear from our patients). Lucky for you, the upcoming new year gives you time to improve your habits!
Invisalign: Start Your Straight Smile In 2017
Are you starting off the New Year taking a look at your resolutions and figuring out how to make sure you really follow through? If one of those resolutions was to do something about attaining a straighter smile, it might be time for you to schedule a consultation to discuss Invisalign treatment with us. If you’re someone who has assumed you might not qualify, if you have questions, or if you’re not even sure what Invisalign is, now is a wonderful time to get started! To give you a bit of a head start, we introduce you to some important details.
Easy Strategies For Avoiding Tooth Loss
Of course, nobody ever strives to experience tooth loss. However, that doesn’t change the fact that it is quite common and can affect anyone! From accidental injuries to progressive oral illnesses, the causes of missing teeth span quite the spectrum (but that doesn’t mean you cannot prevent the loss of your teeth). As a matter of fact, keeping your teeth intact and in place is often easier than you might think. Our helpful strategies will keep your smile safe and sound.
A Few Good Smile Resolutions For 2017
As 2016 is about to head out, and while we welcome in 2017, it’s a good time to begin reflecting on some easy to accomplish smile resolutions. If you happen to be a stellar dental patient who sticks to absolute dental hygiene dedication, then give yourself a quick pat on the back and make sure to continue with your habits for the New Year! If not, consider some good oral health resolutions that are sure to make you feel good about your efforts in dental care.
Water On-The-Go And Your Oral Health
Are you someone who likes to drink water throughout the day? Do you do your best to remain hydrated? Do you find, however, that you end up spending a lot of money on bottled water or else you’re at the mercy of whatever quality of water happens to be within reach? We encourage you to take in some helpful advice regarding why preparing for water on-the-go is so important for your oral health and how to make it easier on yourself.
How Do You Prevent Gum Disease?
Gum Disease impacts millions of smiles. In fact, studies from the Centers for Disease Control show half of people over the age of 30 suffer from some stage of the disease. How do you prevent gum disease? What steps can you take to protect your smile from the onset of periodontal disease?
Thanksgiving: Your Quiz For A Fun, Healthy Time
Do you think you’ve finally figured out how to approach Thanksgiving, while protecting your oral health? The easiest way to find out is to ask the important questions! For instance, do you know which foods are okay for your smile and which are not so wonderful? Do you know how to enjoy the foods you love without putting your smile in harm’s way? We can help you prepare (and find out the answers to these questions) with our holiday quiz.
Pregnancy: Enjoying A Healthy Smile
First and foremost, we offer our congratulations to expectant parents! Then, of course, we offer reassurance that your decision to continue your dental care throughout your pregnancy is the right choice. Many patients do not recognize that this is actually a time when you want to remain as dedicated to your smile as possible because issues like an increased chance of periodontal problems becomes a factor. Learn more (and remember to schedule a visit soon).