Category: Restorative Dentistry

Fast Facts: National Facial Protection Month

As April winds down, we feel it is important to cover a topic that can affect absolutely anyone: Facial injuries. If you didn’t already know, this is National Facial Protection Month. It’s a topic that receives national recognition because injuries to your face and head are something you can avoid, that can cause serious trauma,… Read more »

That Dental Crack Requires A Dental Visit

Do you have a cracked tooth? Something that looks like a crack but you don’t think it’s more than a superficial issue? Maybe it’s somewhere in between. When you notice any type of fracture, fissure, or split in your tooth, your number one priority should be contacting us to schedule a dental visit for any… Read more »

Q&A: Dental Crowns

Have you recently received the news that you need a dental crown to restore the health of your smile? If so, you may have mixed feelings. While patients are usually relieved at the notion of improved comfort and oral health, we find that they can become concerned about questions for which they have no answers…. Read more »

The Right Dental Bridge to Restore Your Smile

Smile restoration can mean many things. If a tooth has a cavity, then the appropriate restoration might be a dental filling or a root canal treatment (depending on the cavity’s severity). If you’ve lost one or more teeth, then rebuilding your smile requires replacing them, often with the use of a custom-made dental bridge. Like… Read more »

Do You Need A Crown Or Filling?

A restoration repairs your tooth and improves the function and appearance of your smile. We offer a number of restorations, including dental crowns and dental fillings. Which one does your tooth need? Do you need a crown or a filling? With the right restoration you can enjoy a healthy and fully functional smile.

Dental Bridge vs. Dental Implants

If you lose a tooth you actually have a few options for replacement. For example, we can place a dental bridge or a dental implant. Which one will best address your tooth loss? Does one offer advantages the other doesn’t?

Can Anyone Wear a Dental Bridge?

Losing your teeth can mean feeling embarrassed about your appearance. Tooth loss can also mean a negative impact on your overall oral health. In order to restore lost teeth the doctor may recommend a dental bridge. Can anyone wear a dental bridge? Will this option restore your lost tooth completely?

Q&A: What Happens During a Root Canal?

Have you ever wondered what happens during a root canal? Despite the stories you may hear, most patients find this procedure as comfortable as receiving a dental filling. With endodontic treatment the dentist can help you maintain a healthy smile, one that isn’t at risk of tooth loss due to infection.