All sorts of factors can lead to a person developing sensitive teeth. Naturally-low levels of tooth enamel can certainly cause tooth sensitivity. Store-bought toothpaste can aid in reducing sensitivity in teeth for some of these patients. However, some people experience tooth sensitivity due to gum recession. For these patients, store-bought toothpastes usually will not make an impact or treat the problem. Your Brighton dentists discuss tooth sensitivity and gum recession.
Types of Tooth Sensitivity
Many people don’t realize they suffer from sensitive teeth until they feel a shot of pain rush through their body like a lightning bolt. In many cases, cavities or tooth decay can result in patients experiencing sensitivity to hot or cold foods. However, treating sensitivity caused by cavities usually involves placing a filling in the cavity-ridden tooth. For patients experience tooth sensitivity due to gum recession, the treatment involves a change in oral hygiene and possibly dietary choices. For patients with severe gum recession, advanced gum graft treatment could potentially reduce sensitivity.