If you pay close attention to your teeth and gums, you might notice when it’s time to visit the dentist as soon as possible.
Tag: brighton dentist
The Comprehensive Dental Hygiene List
To make sure you receive the utmost benefit out of your toothbrush, toothpaste, and floss, Dr. Villani offers a comprehensive list of proper dental hygiene techniques.
Advantages to White Tooth Fillings
Brighton dentist, Dr. Villani, often recommends white tooth fillings made from customizable composite resin, rather than metal.
True Or False Quiz On Thumb Sucking
Dr. Villani and Dr. Kondrat of Brighton Family Dental can help you also with these answers.
Can a Dental Cleaning Preserve Your Mental Health?
The above question may seem like a strange one. However, in light of the recent findings published in a study that draws a connection between tooth loss and the decline of cognitive abilities, it is a relevant one. The study in question administered thinking and memory tests to almost 6,000 men and women, all of… Read more »
Are Dentures Important?
People may grow frustrated with dentures when they slide in the mouth and slip at inopportune times. However, according to your Brighton dentist, Dr. Thomas Villani, living with dentures is definitely preferable to living without teeth at all. Tooth loss can have a tremendous negative impact upon several areas of people’s lives. One very important… Read more »
Brighton Dentist Discusses Teeth Grinding and Tooth Decay
When bruxism (teeth grinding) occurs for a prolonged period of time, teeth will begin to wear down and may eventually break. As a matter of fact, multiple dental crown restorations are a likely eventuality for any teeth grinding habit that goes untreated. But what about tooth decay? Is it possible that bruxism can increase the… Read more »
Is Your Toothache Serious?
Determining the cause behind a toothache can be very important to your oral health. In some cases, toothaches are nothing more than fleeting sensitivities. In other cases, however, they can be a symptom of a serious oral health problem. How, then, can you tell the difference? Toothaches will often have slightly different characteristics depending upon… Read more »
Brighton Dentist Shares Homecare Tips
Many oral health problems are caused by oral bacteria. These bacteria assault teeth each day, forming a clear, sticky film called plaque, which enables them to attach to teeth. It is the goal of homecare to remove plaque so that the bacteria it contains are unable to do lasting damage to teeth. Thus, because homecare is… Read more »
A Closer Look at a Porcelain Crown
Out of the many types of dental crowns, your Brighton dentist, Dr. Thomas Villani, prefers to place a porcelain crown whenever possible. Your Brighton dentist prefers porcelain crowns because they offer his patients the best cosmetic results of any dental crown being manufactured today. What sets porcelain crowns apart from other crowns is the level… Read more »