Treating Your Toothache With A Dental Filling

Do you have an ache in one or more of your teeth that just won’t go away? If so, this could be a problem that requires the attention of your Brighton, MA, dentists. In today’s blog we’re looking at the connection between tooth decay and toothaches, and discussing what people can do to protect their smiles. We’re also going to look at treating a cavity in one visit with a lifelike composite filling.


Avoiding The Terror Of Tooth Decay

For dental professionals, this is the spookiest time of the year. Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas may seem like very unrelated holidays, but these are the trifecta of sugary sweet- based celebrations, encouraging celebrants to embrace their sweet tooth and subsequently, leading to an increased risk of cavities. In today’s blog, your Brighton, MA, dentists will discuss ways to protect your smile from the onset of cavities!


Will Dental Implants Help If I’ve Lost Several Teeth?

A dental implant offers a long-lasting and durable solution to tooth loss. However, that doesn’t mean we just use to them address a single missing tooth at a time. In fact, your Brighton, MA, dentists can employ implant dentistry to address minor and severe tooth loss, even if you’ve lost all of your natural teeth. In today’s blog, we’re gong to look at how we improve smiles with dental implants.
