Category: Restorative Dentistry

When Your Smile Needs A Custom Crown

brighton crowns

A dental crown covers a tooth and offers lifelike repair for serious issues, from tooth decay to dental injury and more. But when should you see us for a crown, and how do we create and place them? In today’s blog, your Brighton, MA, dentist talks about how we improve smiles with our custom dental… Read more »

Creating Bridges That Fit Seamlessly

When you have minor tooth loss, you need a prosthetic to fill the exposed gaps and protect your oral health and bite function. But we also take care to ensure your prosthetic offers a lifelike appearance too! In today’s blog, your Brighton, MA, dentists talk about creating bridges that fit seamlessly.

How A Root Canal Preserves Your Smile

When a tooth becomes infected, this could mean serious discomfort and without treatment, the loss of your tooth! To treat the infection and preserve the tooth, you need an endodontic treatment. Which is why your Brighton, MA, dentist offers root canal therapy to preserve and protect your smile!

Repairing Your Smile After Damage Or Loss

Smile Guy Brighton MA

Our teeth are designed to last us through our entire lives, but sometimes they can become cracked or broken. When this happens, it is important that you speak with a dental professional about your options. If you allow your enamel to remain damaged, bacteria could start to make their way toward the soft tissue within… Read more »

Replacing A Tooth After Extraction

Spa Brighton MA

Sometimes, it is for your overall oral health benefit to remove a problem tooth. If this structure has become compromised due to infection or trauma, it may simply have to go in order to maintain the wellbeing of your remaining teeth. An infection can also progress further into the jaw, and potentially into the bloodstream…. Read more »

Saving A Tooth With Deep Decay

brighton deep decay

When a tooth suffers from deep decay or an infection, then a filling may not be enough to bring relief. Instead, you may need an endodontic treatment. With root canal therapy, your Brighton, MA, dentists talk about how we can save a tooth and bring relief from major discomfort.

Stopping Your Cavities With A Dental Filling

brighton dental fillings

When you have a cavity form in a tooth, this means the risk of persistent pain and the chance of an infection developing. But we can stop discomfort and protect the tooth with a dental filling! In today’s blog, your Brighton, MA, dentists talk about stopping cavities with a custom dental filling.

Dental Crowns Repair Teeth

brighton dental crowns

When a tooth is severely damaged, then repair is crucial for avoiding complications and preserving your smile’s stability. To help, we could craft and place a custom-made dental crown. In today’s blog, your Brighton, MA, dentists talk about how we design and craft custom crowns, and the actions necessary to keep them strong.

What Is A Dental Bridge?

brighton dental bridge

Should a tooth become lost, this could mean serious trouble for your smile. Which is why we want to bridge the gap in your smile with a lifelike and durable dental prosthetic. In today’s blog, your Brighton, MA, dentists talk about dental bridges, and the benefits they offer our patients with tooth loss.

What Makes Dental Implants Last?

brighton dental implants

Dental implants are different from traditional bridges or dentures. While all of these can handle minor or advanced tooth loss, one only option can last for several decades to come. In today’s blog, your Brighton, MA, dentists discuss what makes dental implants last, and how we can plan and place them.