Category: Preventive Dentistry

Staying Gum Disease Free In Four Steps!

In our previous blog, we discussed how we treat smiles to manage periodontal disease or help avoid the onset of gum disease. Today, we would like to focus more on the preventive aspects. Let’s look at four ways our Brighton, MA, patients can stay gum disease free!

5 Facts About Toothaches

No one enjoys a toothache. In addition to discomfort, they are often a sign that you have a problem that requires your dentist’s attention. In today’s blog, we’re going to look at the causes of toothaches and how we can treat them, often in just one visit!

How Do You Treat Gum Disease?

Periodontal disease is a serious oral health concern, one that is often responsible for adult tooth loss and very uncomfortable symptoms. However, we have treatment options to help manage the problem and preserve your smile. How do we treat gum disease and what can be done to avoid the problem?

How Do I Keep My Smile Healthy?

When you take care of your smile, your natural teeth can stay bright, beautiful, and in place. In order to keep your smile healthy, you need to take care of your teeth and gums from home and make time to see us every few months. In today’s blog, we’re going to highlight a few simple… Read more »

Why Does My Tooth Hurt?

Do you have pain in your smile? If you have a tooth that hurts, there’s a chance that you have an oral health problem that requires treatment. Ignoring the pain means you could allow the issue to grow worse and threaten the health and stability of your smile. Let’s look at the common causes of… Read more »

FAQs: Why Do You Need An Oral Cancer Screening?

According to the Oral Cancer Foundation, over 49,000 people are diagnosed with the disease every year. Of that number, half will succumb to the disease within just five years. The high mortality rate is due to the fact that most cases are not diagnosed until the later stages. However, we can identify the issue in… Read more »

Resolve To Improve Your Oral Health In 2018!

What resolutions have you made for 2018? We wish you luck with your resolutions, but also ask that you consider focusing on your smile as well. With a few minor changes to your daily routines, you can take great strides towards enjoying a healthier and more attractive smile.

What Makes Dental Cleanings Important?

There are several options for restoring a smile that’s cosmetically marred or infected with disease. With today’s advanced dental techniques and materials, your new smile can look and function as though it were your natural one. However, preventing dental issues from developing in the first place is the most effective method of prolonging your smile’s… Read more »

Curious About Fluoride? We Can Help.

In the dental care world, fluoride is one of those things that seems to promote a lot of confusion and rumors. From our perspective, whether or not you should use it is a very simple thing to figure out (you should and for good reasons that we will share with you). However, from reading things… Read more »