Are gaps in your teeth affecting your articulation? Could dental bridges be the solution to your pronunciation?
Tag: brighton ma dentist
The History of Dental Implants: From Ancient Egypt to Brighton, MA
Dr. Thomas Villani and Dr. Richard Kondrat will work together to consult with you and plan your implant procedure. Dr. Kondrat will complete and oversee the fabrication and placement of your implant prosthetic. After a short healing period, Dr. Villani will place the crown, bridge, or denture to complete your implant. For your convenience, the entire procedure can be performed at Brighton Dental Group, located in Brighton, Massachusetts, thus eliminating the need for you to go to multiple locations and doctors to get the smile you’ve been searching for.
Keep Your Smile from Showing Your Age, Part 1
Our teeth are incredibly strong. They constantly endure extreme temperature and pressure from the chewing, crunching, and biting we do. Still, everyday wear and tear and the natural aging process take a toll on our teeth.
A Few Facts About Fluoride
Dental fluoride is a routine part of most dental cleanings and exams at many dental offices. For some time, however, the use of fluoride has been a debate among dental and health professionals.
The question remains: Is fluoride good for you and your teeth, or not?
Well, the answer is yes. Fluoride contains a protective component for your teeth, but it can be harmful in certain circumstances, as well.
Dedicate Yourself to Great Dental Health in 2011
With the new year upon us, New Year’s resolutions are on everyone’s minds. Unfortunately, it is more common for people to forget about their resolutions before the end of January, rather thank keep them for the entire year. I am Dr. Thomas Villani of Brighton Family Dental Group, and I have a challenge for you.
Be the exception to the New Year’s resolution trend. Set a goal and stick to it. It won’t be as hard as you think because my team and I are here to help.
I want to help you dedicate yourself to your dental health in 2011. This means different things for different people. If you can’t remember the last time you had a dental exam, it’s time to come in. I like to see my patients for a check-up every six months to make sure that everything is healthy and working properly. In addition to a dental cleaning, I will check for gum disease and scan for oral cancer at this check-up.
The Bad Breath Battle
Did you know that most people don’t even know if they have bad breath? Do you know for sure?
Dentists and doctors call bad breath halitosis. In most cases, the offensive smell comes from bacterial waste products. That’s right! In your mouth live over 600 types of bacteria, some good and some bad. Some of the bacteria produce sulfur compounds that are, to be frank, very stinky!
Want a New Smile for the Holidays?
What does a smile makeover entail? It depends entirely on your unique needs and preferences. Schedule a consultation with me, Dr. Villani, or my associate, Dr. Kondrat. We’ll sit down and discuss your ideal smile, and we can talk about which procedures would achieve the results you want. Most commonly we suggest, custom porcelain veneers, teeth whitening, cosmetic bonding or recontouring, and white fillings and crowns. But rest assured, your treatment plan will be designed exclusively for you. There is no packaged solution in cosmetic dentistry. We aim to preserve your unique appearance, while giving you a more attractive overall image.