4 Things To Remember When Traveling

When you travel, you might take on a new mindset. In general, it’s one of free spiritedness, which allows you to unwind, forget about the daily grind, and just enjoy yourself. While this is all well and good, we encourage you to remember to adhere to the simplest of essentials, so you don’t sabotage the work you put into your dental hygiene throughout the year during a single vacation.


That Dental Crack Requires A Dental Visit

Do you have a cracked tooth? Something that looks like a crack but you don’t think it’s more than a superficial issue? Maybe it’s somewhere in between. When you notice any type of fracture, fissure, or split in your tooth, your number one priority should be contacting us to schedule a dental visit for any required restorative care. In the meantime, we know you may feel frantic as you wonder what type of treatment your particular type of damage may require. While each issue is unique, we can help give you a general overview.


Acid Erosion: Protecting Your Teeth

If you aren’t sure about what to make of acid erosion (or you have never even heard this term before), first recognize that it’s common, serious, and can harm your oral health. Now, before you fly into a panic, don’t get too worried. When you know what it is, how to avoid it, and how to handle any existing injury, you’ll see it’s actually quite easy to safeguard your grin. With just a few helpful details, you’ll have the essential information you need!


Quiz: What Does My Toothache Mean?

You know that if you have a toothache, something’s not quite right. What you might not feel so certain about, however, is whether that means you have a cavity, your tooth is infected, you’re only dealing with temporary irritation, or something else is happening. How to decide when it is time to come in for a dental visit? While you may assume the answers are hard to pin down on this one, we can actually guide you quite easily toward figuring out how to deal with your discomfort. Extract helpful details from our quiz (or discover that you already have all the information you need).


Dental Implants: Parts And Terms

Have you been looking into dental implants for your tooth loss treatment? If so, you may have quickly noticed that there are some new terms to take in! When you don’t know what they mean, they can slow your educational progress down. When you know them well, you can more easily begin to understand and choose from among your options for replacing missing teeth. To make sure you’re on solid (and informed) footing regarding associated terminology, we have a quick glossary that will help.


Stop Waiting For Symptoms

Do you assume that accessing dental care is something you really only need to do if a problem occurs with your oral health? For instance, if you are free of smile-related abnormalities, do you assume that your smile is healthy? If so, it’s important that you recognize a symptom-free smile is not necessarily one that is in excellent condition. Not sure how this could be possible or why preventive care is so significant? We can clear your confusion up quite quickly!


Answering Your “Why Do My Gums” Questions

When it comes to questions about your gum health, you may not know what to make of symptoms as they arise. You may also wonder why your gums seem to look different than your friend’s or relative’s gums. While you can certainly gather up some information online, it’s always wise to schedule a visit with our practice. Many times, changes point to an underlying problem like gum disease that requires immediate care. Remember, the sooner we see you, the better.


Caught Up On Care? Now What?

Did you make the most of the New Year, choosing to focus on getting your dental care all caught up? If so, you’re on track with your brushing and flossing, you’ve come in for the first of your two annual preventive care visits, and you have visits on the books for any necessary restorative treatments (or, perhaps you’ve already received them). Now that we’re headed into February, what to do? Wait for the next five months until your next visit, while you practice optimal dental hygiene at home? Perhaps. Then again, you might want to take advantage of this time!


Choosing Floss: A Mixture Of Emotion And Logic

When you think about choosing your dental floss, you might not get too passionate about the experience. After all, it’s material that you pass through your teeth once daily and then throw into the trashcan! However, we encourage you to take a step back and think a bit more broadly regarding how to best choose floss that will work wonders for your dental hygiene. Unlike many products, which come with a long list of straightforward, clinical requirements, floss leaves a lot of room for your preferences. Learn a bit more, so you make excellent selections for a truly healthy smile.


Your Questions About Gingivitis: Answered

As you learn about gum disease, you will find that a variety of terms which seem interchangeable (yet also seem slightly different) can cause confusion. To ensure you make excellent progress with your education, rather than feeling turned around, we offer simple clarification regarding gingivitis and other common terms. When you are able to clearly understand how periodontal problems unfold, you will feel more prepared to avoid them altogether, so your smile remains healthy.
