Category: Restorative Dentistry

Brighton Dentist Tells You Why Dentures Slip

Denture wearers sometimes complain that their dentures do not feel stable in their mouths. They say that the dentures slip and slide and threaten to fall out altogether. When dentures lack stability, they can sap self-confidence and create serious embarrassment. But what exactly causes dentures to slip and slide? Your Brighton dentist, Dr. Thomas Villani,… Read more »

Brighton Dentist Discusses Tooth Decay and Dental Fillings

With thorough homecare and consistent dental visits, we can prevent tooth decay and keep our teeth cavity free. Yet sometimes, even the most diligent brushers and flossers will develop a cavity. To learn why cavities develop and how they are repaired, read below as your Brighton dentist, Dr. Thomas Villani discusses the progression of tooth decay and… Read more »

All About Fillings from Your Brighton Family Dentist

What makes up a filling? These dental restorations can be made from a variety of materials. Amalgam used to be the traditional source for dental fillings. However, with recent scrutiny over the safety of the mercury used in amalgam, as well as concern for esthetic appeal, our dental office in Brighton can use composite resin fillings…. Read more »

The Anatomy of a Root Canal

The words “root canal” often evoke fear in dental patients, but the dentists at Brighton Family Dental Group have some good news for you. Modern root canal therapy is less invasive, more precise, more comfortable, and more effective than in years past.

Inside each of your teeth, a canal houses dental pulp, also known as the nerve of your tooth. This pulp is extremely important. It keeps your tooth alive by bringing nutrients to the tooth, removing waste, and keeping the tooth alive and functioning.

If a deep cavity or fracture occurs in your tooth and it’s deep enough to cut into the sealed canal, your tooth pulp can become infected.