Estimates show that gum disease affects up to 80% of the American population. Gum disease inolves the inflammation and infection of gum tissue. This disease can range in severity. In advanced forms it is an aggressive illness that erodes teeth, bone, and gum tissue. Once a patient develops severe gum disease (periodontitis) it is not curable; it is only treatable. Below, our team at Brighton Family Dental has compiled helpful information about gum disease.
Sometimes gum disease doesn’t present noticeable symptoms in its early stages. However, some common symptoms include:
- Gums that are red or deep purple in appearance
- Swollen gums
- Gums that bleed easily during flossing and brushing
- Teeth that have noticeable spacing
- Gums that are painful to the touch
The best way to prevent gum disease involves practicing thorough oral hygiene and visiting Dr. Thomas Villani regularly for cleanings and checkups. You should brush your teeth twice a day for at least two minutes each time. Make sure to brush your gums and tongue too. In addition, flossing regularly is very important. Flossing your teeth daily disrupts the colonies of bacteria that form along the gum line. Flossing also cleans your teeth in the crevices that your toothbrush cannot reach. Dental cleanings remove tartar buildup and examinations reveal if gum disease is present and how severe it is. (more…)