Dr. Villani can show you how to keep your smile healthy at the office to improve your appearance, confidence, and job performance.
Category: Preventive Dentistry
How to Reuse and Recycle your Toothbrush
Brighton dentist Dr. Villani wants to encourage you to reuse your old toothbrush as a handy tool around the house.
Do You Cram Before Your Dentist Appointment?
If you change your dental hygiene behaviors directly before your dentist appointment, Dr. Villani can still evaluate your regular hygiene habits based on the condition of your mouth.
Healthy Smiles for Spring Break
What are you doing for Spring Break? Whether you’re planning a vacation, outdoor activity, or time to rest, Dr. Villani can keep your smile healthy through your springtime fun.
Gum Disease in Brighton, MA
Dr. Villani discusses gum disease prevention and treatment options. Read on to learn more.
The Proper Way to Brush Your Teeth
Do you brush your teeth effectively? Dr. Villani can assess your brushing habits to make sure you’re keeping your mouth healthy and clean.
Sealants: Preventative Measure For Kids
Tooth Sealants for Kids Tooth decay, or cavities, is the leading childhood disease across our planet. Even in the US, with access to dental care and education about oral home care, kids get cavities. Brushing teeth daily, flossing, and avoiding sugary foods and beverages help prevent cavities. Because they’re hard for kids to clean, molars… Read more »
Healthy Snacks for Healthy Teeth
What kind of food does your child snack on? Visit Dr. Villani for healthy alternatives to keep your child’s smile healthy.
Dental Health Hazards in Your Kitchen
The ingredients and methods you use to cook your food can harm your teeth. Contact Dr. Villani to help keep your smile healthy.
Are you a summertime movie-goer? Don’t let movie snacks get the best of your smile!
Movie food hovers near the top of our list of worst dental offenders. Got the summer blues from your movie snacks? Call Brighton Family Dental today at (617) 562-5210 to schedule an appointment.