brighton candy halloween

When you and your family indulge in your Halloween haul, or feel tempted by the sugary sweets available during the holiday season, this can lead to an increased risk of tooth decay. Which is why our team wants to offer tips for safeguarding smiles. In today’s blog, your Brighton, MA, dentist talks about how to lower your cavity risk this Halloween.

The Link Between Halloween Candy and Tooth Decay

When we eat a lot of candy or drink beverages with a lot of sugar in them, this leaves behind particles of sugar on or between the teeth. As harmful oral bacteria consume these particles, this causes a rise in oral acidity and also coats the teeth in plaque buildup. These factors then weaken and erode the outer enamel to cause cavities, and without treatment, dental infection. We want your family to enjoy your Halloween fun, but also protect your smiles from cavities. Try to limit how much candy your child eats to a piece or two after dinner, when increased saliva production and a glass of water can help rinse away the sugar particles. You could even offer your kids the chance to trade their candy to you for a little cash or a small toy.

If your house is the one handing out sweets, consider candy alternatives that are still fun for kids, such as Halloween-themed party favors, including stickers, temporary tattoos, or even plastic spider rings.

Protecting Smiles In-Office

Our team can also help protect little smiles with in-office treatment. When your child comes in for a checkup, we can watch for the earliest signs of tooth decay so we can provide treatment with a lifelike dental filling. We also conduct a dental cleaning, which removes all harmful plaque and tartar buildup to help protect the enamel from erosion. We could discuss preventive treatments like fluoride varnish to strengthen the enamel, or sealants to coat the hard-to-reach rear teeth, so no sugar can become trapped there. Sealants can stay in place for up to ten years!

Better Care At-Home

You also need to make sure both you and your kids maintain healthy smiles at home. Be sure you brush when you first wake up and then again before going to bed. Each session should last about two minutes, and use fluoride toothpaste and a toothbrush with soft bristles. Make sure your kids (and you) floss before bed too, preferably before you brush the second time.

Talk to Brighton Family Dental About Preventing Cavities

Our team wants to help you enjoy good oral health and enjoy Halloween without the onset of tooth decay. Learn more about how to avoid the onset of cavities calling us at Brighton Family Dental Group in Brighton, MA, today at (617) 562-5210.