Porcelain veneers allow your Brighton, MA, dentists to instantly transform the appearance and function of the smile, addressing a number of esthetic concerns. But how do we use these thin restorations to perfect a smile? In today’s blog, we’re going to explain how we design, fabricate, and place one or more custom-made porcelain veneers.
How Will Straighter Teeth Benefit My Smile?
Did you know that by correcting your uneven teeth, you do far more than just improve overall esthetics? In fact, you also boost the health and function of your smile too, keeping serious complications at bay. In today’s blog, your Brighton, MA, dentists will discuss how we correct uneven smiles with our custom and barely noticeable Invisalign® aligners.
A Root Canal Means A Comfortable Smile
When a tooth develops serious decay, or a full-on dental infection, this could result in major discomfort. The pain in your smile could grow worse with time, and even lead to tooth loss. However, with endodontic care, your Brighton, MA, dentists can restore comfort to your smile. In today’s blog, let’s talk about the benefits of tackling infection with a root canal procedure.
How Does A Bridge Return Function And Beauty To My Smile?
When you lose one tooth, or up to three in a row, then the function and health of your smile will suffer, not to mention your smile’s appearance too! In order to help tackle minor tooth loss for our Brighton, MA, dentists, our team will create and place a long-lasting and natural-looking dental prosthetic known as a bridge.
Treating Tooth Decay With Natural-Looking Fillings
A combination of being unable to see the dentist for several months, and staying home and snacking, may mean you have an aching tooth. Often, a persistent toothache means a cavity is present, one that needs treatment to prevent the onset of infection. In today’s blog, your Brighton, MA, dentist look at how we treat cavities with a filling that looks completely natural!
Could Dental Implants Support A Bridge?
We often prescribe dental bridges to handle more minor cases of tooth loss. While these are typically supported with crowns placed on natural teeth, we could also provide options secured with one or more dental implants. In today’s blog, your Brighton, MA, dentists talk about the benefit of implant-supported bridges.
How Does Placing A Crown Restore A Smile?
When you have a cavity, you need a filling, and if you lose a tooth, dental implants offer replacement. But what if you have an issue that falls in between? What if you have a tooth that is severely damaged or suffering from poor oral health? In today’s blog, your Brighton, MA, dentists look at how we restore smiles with our custom-made and natural-looking dental crowns.
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Obtain A Stunning Smile With Porcelain Veneers
If you have issues with the color of your teeth, as well as the shape and position of them too, then you may need a solution that addresses multiple cosmetic concerns. Fortunately, your Brighton, MA, dentists have just such a procedure! With porcelain veneers, we completely transform your smile in as little as two visits.
Replacing Your Missing Teeth
When you suffer from tooth loss, this could lead to issues with the health of smile, and could cause serious complications for your overall facial structure too. In today’s blog, we’re looking at the dangers of untreated tooth loss, and how your Brighton, MA, dentists treat tooth loss, whether minor or advanced, with dental bridges and implant dentistry.