Over time, our teeth can become coated in plaque buildup. Without professional cleanings to remove the buildup, this could increase the risk of bad breath, teeth stains, and even gum disease. In today’s blog, your Brighton, MA, dentist talks about safeguarding smiles with our professional dental cleanings.
The Causes and Risks of Plaque Buildup
We recommend cleanings to remove harmful plaque and tartar buildup from the teeth. This buildup occurs as oral bacteria consume particles of sugar and starch left behind by the foods and drinks we consume. This process leaves behind a sticky layer of plaque on the teeth, which hardens into tartar with time. The buildup then irritates and inflames the gums to increase the risk of gingivitis and gum disease, and also erodes outer smile to allow cavities and infection to form. Not to mention, you also have an increased risk of bad breath and teeth stains! But we can help control the buildup with a routine cleaning every six months.
The Dental Cleaning
Twice a year we want to see you for a checkup visit. During the exam portion, we will look at your smile with advanced digital x-rays and intraoral cameras, so we can diagnose any issues and create a custom treatment plan. Our team will also clean the teeth too, which involves using an ultrasonic scaling device and a manual tool to gently and thoroughly remove all plaque and tartar from the teeth. The process only takes a few minutes, but is crucial for protecting the smile from cavities and gum disease. This is helpful for patients of all ages, from toddlers and teens to adults and seniors. Don’t skip out on your six-month visit!
Scaling and Root Planing
What if you have already developed gingivitis or the early stages of gum disease? Then we may recommend a more involved procedure known as a deep cleaning, or a scaling and root planing. We use the same tools as the traditional procedure, but we remove the layers from both the teeth and the exposed roots, and we destroy particles of harmful oral bacteria from beneath the gum line too. The process is more involved so we will numb your smile, and this could take one visit or as many as four. We will polish your teeth afterward, just as we do for traditional cleanings, to help limit the ability for plaque and tartar to cling to the teeth until your next visit.
Talk to Brighton Family Dental About Preventive Dentistry
Preventive dentistry can help keep teeth and gums healthy and strong. Learn more about how we protect your smile by calling us at Brighton Family Dental Group in Brighton, MA, today at (617) 562-5210.