brighton veneersWhen you have several cosmetic concerns, we want to offer results that are dramatic and long-lasting. With porcelain veneers, we can use a thin restoration to address multiple issues with a tooth at once. In today’s blog, your Brighton, MA, dentist talks about how we design and craft these lifelike porcelain veneers, and how placing them can transform the beauty of your smile in only two appointments!

The Cosmetic Issues Veneers Address

What cosmetic imperfections can our custom-made restorations address? Each one is placed onto the front of a tooth, and instantly changes the overall shape and color. This can address misshapen teeth, close gaps between the teeth, and lengthen worn down tooth structures too. We can also mask permanent teeth stains that could otherwise resist whitening treatments, and repair minor damage too. For some, we could even correct the appearance of minor misalignment, so you have a more even looking smile without the need for orthodontics. For some, this could essentially makeover the smile in only two appointments!

Creating and Placing Your Cosmetic Restorations

To begin the placement process, our team will numb the teeth being treated and then gently remove a thin layer of outer enamel from them. Our team then gathers detailed digital images and measurements of the teeth from multiple angles, which we can use to design and craft the custom restorations in a dental lab setting. When you return for the second visit, we will attach the completed veneers to the teeth with a powerful bonding agent, the same we use to secure crowns and bridges in place. You now have cosmetic restorations that can transform your smile’s appearance.

What Happens Next?

With proper care and attention, the dental restorations can stay in place for years to come and remain bright too. You want to protect the teeth we’ve attached them to from issues like infection or gum disease, so be sure you brush and floss daily, cut back on the sugar and starch in your diet, and see our team for checkups and cleanings every six months. These actions help protect the health of your smile, and also ensure your restorations remain bright too. If you have multiple issues with the appearance of your smile and want to see major improvement in a short period, then contact our team today to learn more about our porcelain veneers.

Talk to Brighton Family Dental About Cosmetic Dentistry

We would like to help you enjoy a smile that makes a great first impression, which is why we offer care to improve the overall health and beauty of your smile. Learn more about our cosmetic treatments by giving us a call at Brighton Family Dental Group in Brighton, MA, today at (617) 562-5210.