q&arainbowDoes the idea of improving your smile alignment give you something to smile about? However, does the idea of walking around with metal brackets and wires over your smile cause you to run for the hills just as you begin considering orthodontic treatment? If so, we think it’s high time you learn more about Invisalign treatment, which straightens smiles with nearly undetectable treatment trays. Allow us to provide you with some helpful details with the assistance of frequently asked questions and answers.

Questions and Answers About Invisalign Treatment

Question: How do I know if Invisalign treatment will work for my smile?

Answer: We invite you to schedule a visit with us, so we can examine your oral cavity. By taking a look at your smile with a visual inspection and the use of advanced imaging, we can determine whether you make a good candidate. For the most part, treatment addresses spacing, overcrowding, over bite, under bite, cross bite, and open bite.

Question: What do you mean by “nearly undetectable” treatment? What does it look like?

Answer: You will be wearing thin, clear, BPA-free plastic aligner trays. Custom-fitted to sit snugly over your teeth, the trays will be extremely difficult for onlookers to detect – most people will not notice you are wearing anything on your smile.

Question: Will I have to wear my Invisalign treatment trays 24 hours a day, seven days a week?

Answer: No. One of the wonderful advantages of clear braces is that you may remove them to eat or to take care of your smile. You simply need to ensure you are wearing your aligner trays for a minimum of 20 to 22 hours every day to allow for effective treatment.