Regular visits with us helps maintain your oral health and beautiful smile. That’s why we encourage you to schedule an appointment for a dental exam at least twice a year. Together, we can be proactive about your oral health and help reduce your risk of tooth decay or any other cosmetic or restorative dentistry issues that may arise.
During your dental exam, we’ll carefully and thoroughly inspect your teeth, surrounding tissues, and gums. We’ll be looking for things like gum disease, tooth decay, and other dental issues, such as excessive discoloration and bite misalignment.
Oral Cancer Screening
Oral cancer leads to the deaths of approximately 8,000 Americans each year. When detected and treated early, people with oral cancer have an 80% survival rate. However, most patients don’t notice concerning symptoms until it has progressed to a later stage.
When you visit us for a dental exam, we will conduct an oral cancer screening. We will look for things like sores, lesions, ulcers, and wounds that aren’t healing. We may use dental technology, also, to provide a more accurate picture about the health of your oral tissues. We are happy to answer any questions and address any concerns you may have.
Schedule Your Dental Exams with Us!
Consistent dental exams can help maintain your oral health and your smile. To learn more, schedule an appointment or consultation with Dr. Thomas Villani or Dr. Richard Kondrat by calling (617) 562-5210. We proudly welcome patients from Brighton, Watertown, Cambridge, Brookline, Newton, and all surrounding communities.